Kevin Admirers

KEVIN MCDONALD was born May 16th 1961 in Montreal, Quebec Canada, but moved to Los Angeles with his father, mother and older sister at 7 years-old.
McDonald took drama in high school and studied comedy via the television set. He moved to Toronto, Ontario Canada and was a theater major at Humber College. This was not to last for long, Kevin was kicked out because the only thing he knew how to do was comedy. One of the professors liked Kevin and enrolled him in the famous Second City improv. workshop. There is where he met Mister David Foley. The two quickly became good friends and colleagues and even worked as ushers for a local art house theater together.
Both Dave and Kevin teamed up with a Second City alumni by the name of Luciano Casimiri to from the first version of "Kids In The Hall (KITH)". This version played at small local clubs.
In 1993, when KITH(David Foley, Kevin McDonald, Scott Thompson, Mark McKinney, and Bruce McCulloch) were in their 4th season, Kevin got married to Tiffany Lacey. He says they divorced two years later because he took her for granted.

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